Stability Studies

Whether a drug substance or final product is in development or already on the market, Nuwill can fulfill stability storage and testing requirements. We offer ICH and Customized storage conditions. Our facilities and chambers have 24/7 monitoring with redundant systems, back-up power and comprehensive disaster recovery plans.

Stability Study Capabilities

  • Nuwill offers ICH and customized storage conditions
  • Our facilities and chambers have 24/7 monitoring with redundant systems back-up power and comprehensive disaster recovery plans
  • Offer Stand- alone stability studies
  • Photo stability studies
  • Drug product stability testing

Stability chamber specifications

  • 40°C with 75% RH
  • 30°C with 65% and 75% RH [Zone IV A and IV B]
  • 25°C with 60% RH
  • 2- 8 °C
GLP compliant ICH stability testing services and dedicated stability chambers for R & D
+91 80 2668 4646 / 2668 6464